Robert Dreyfuss, writing for The Nation, discounts the Taliban link to the Mickey Mouse bomb and blames the Tea Party. “It may be that the Pakistan-based Taliban, the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), has quietly established a Connecticut franchise while we weren’t looking. That’s possible. But it seems far more likely to me that the perpetrator of the bungled Times Square bomb plot was either a lone nut job or a member of some squirrely branch of the Tea Party, anti-government far right. Which actually exists in Connecticut, where, it seems, the car’s license plates were stolen.”
How does Dreyfuss know it was the Tea Party? Because the Oklahoma City bombing was supposedly pulled off by a white guy. In the “aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, when self-appointed experts blamed Muslims only to find out that it was a Gulf War veteran named Tim who did it, there has once again been an unseemly rush to judgment.”
The white guy caught in a video and suspected of placing the “bomb” with its toy clock “looks like your typical Tea Party radical,” writes Gather.
“General consensus is that the perpetrator was a white 40 year old male Christian card carrying member of the Tea Party crowd,” declares The Political Jungle blog. In order to make this point, the blogger cites a string of goofy commented posted at Fox News.
Democrats Dysfunction and the Doge of Doom
1 hour ago
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